News + Feature Reporting
Human interest, entertainment and hard news reporting from a variety of outlets.
Patients at Essentia Health now have a say in what the health system's researchers study.
Earlier this year, the Minnesota-based system became part of the Stakeholders, Technology and Research (STAR) Clinical Research Network alongside Stanford University. It's one of 10 health systems in the partnership.READ MORE.
With a vision as ever-changing as glass being blown into a new creation, the Delmar Maker District is a two-decade old project that has caught fire in recent months. READ MORE.
Sgt. Maj. Carlos Ruiz never served in the Marine Corps Reserve, but jokingly hoped he would be confused for doing just that.
“I wanted to be accused of being a reservist,” Ruiz said in a one-on-one conversation with Reserve + National Guard Magazine before his appointment as the 20th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps. “I really tried to understand. Technically, I’m not one. But I wanted to really dive into what the world was like.” READ MORE.
As a career JAG officer, Dr. Dwight Stirling has had a front-row seat to “injustices” he said stemmed from the Feres doctrine.
“I saw countless service members be injured and be the victims of rape, of retaliation by the chain of command,” said Stirling, founder and chief executive officer of the Center for Law and Military Policy. “And these are all types of action that in the civilian world, the party that was harmed could go to court and sue for.” READ MORE.
Trent and Megan Brown were purchasing so many ammunition pellets that they ended up on a TSA watch list.
But the couple — an Army veteran and a former Division 1 All-American Athlete, respectively — were doing nothing more than creating weighted workout clothing, and the pellets were an early experiment in finding a product that would add weight to what would become known as KILOGEAR. READ MORE.
Cultivating Community
Sitting at her dining room table on a warm, Sunday afternoon in July – with her dog, Poppie, lounging in her lap – Judy Prange recalls a phone call from the University City fire chief, asking if she knew where the murals from Delmar Harvard School were. The school, which had been shuttered in 2011, was demolished a decade later in order to construct a hotel on the property. READ MORE.
Rick Rogala was only 19 years old when he became a prisoner of war. One of 83 crewmen aboard the USS Pueblo, Rogala was held captive by North Korean soldiers for 11 months. And despite a fund existing to compensate victims of state-sponsored terrorism, he and his shipmates have only received four-tenths of 1% of the money they are owed. READ MORE.
After more than 10 years with WWE, Rob Schamberger resigned his post as the company’s artist in residence. Now, he’s All Elite — kind of. On April 22, Schamberger teased his partnership with ShopAEW and Pro Wrestling Tees, and the Monday following AEW Dynasty, unveiled his debut AEW painting — the company’s new World Champion Swerve Strickland. READ MORE.
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